jueves, noviembre 15, 2007

i'm so grateful

For seeing that now is not like six and a half months ago, when i was destroyed and i felt lonelier than ever, that i need someone to talk, someone to rely on, someone to cry with and every single "friend" that i have close to me just turned back and walked away.

Some of them i just kicked them out of my life, some of them i just tried to forgive and forget.

But now,... now is different. Yesterday i arrived to where they (my new friends) were, and they noticed immediately that something was wrong.

Cervantes, showed such interest with his questions and his messages, he really surprised me. And Dalila, Mary and Heber, .. i don't know, i felt loved and protected, and heard.

And i just thank God for having those wonderful friends, i know i'll never feel lonely again and i can face every bad thing that comes to my life, like i have to do now.

p.s.: i don't put pictures 'cause i already put almost everyone i have with them, but i'll take more tomorrow.

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